Forklifts oil cooler

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Find a great selection of forklift oil coolers at Low Prices - OEM and aftermarket supply. The Lift parts warehouse team finds all kinds of other ways to save you some money without sacrificing the quality of the product you get in the final result. Buy new forklift oil coolers at low prices with quality guaranteed at our shop with Quick Shipping and Delivery.


The following technical information allows the reader to know more about forklift engine oil coolers and its relation within the cooling system of an internal combustion engine. Besides, you will find the selection criteria to acquire the correct replacement for your oil cooler and some tips about the common problems presented in this device.

Table of content

  1. What is an oil cooler?
  2. How does an oil cooler work
  3. How to choose the correct Forklift oil cooler
  4. Does an oil cooler need maintenance?
  5. Signs for common problems of an oil cooler
  6. Takeaways

What is an oil cooler?

Engine oil coolers are devices that lower the temperature of lubricating oil. The forklifts with an internal combustion engine use it. When the machine is running, it generates heat. Part of this energy goes to the oil. So, this lube with a high temperature needs to be cooled. A pump transfers it to the air cooler for heat exchanging. To know more about forklifts cooling systems, click here. Most forklift engine oil coolers consist of a metallic piece with pipes inside. Around the pipelines, there are fins to maximize the oil cooling. Figure 1 shows a forklift oil cooler.

Forklift oil cooler
Figure 1. Forklift oil cooler

How does an oil cooler work

A pump transfers the hot oil from the sump tank to the oil cooler. This lube enters into the pipes of the device. The cooling progress depends on the type of the oil cooler:

  • Oil-Water cooler: Around the pipelines, a coolant passes to receive the heat from the oil. This heat exchange occurs until the lube arrives at the outlet of the oil cooler.The below video explains the deeper functioning of the device type:
  • Oil-Air cooler: An air ambient passes through the hot lube pipes. This cooling fluid comes from a fan to lower the temperature of the oil. The air heated outs from the oil cooler due to the exchange of heat.

Now, the oil temperature is suitable to be used again in the lubrication system. Some forklifts use an oil cooler design mounted inside of the radiator ( Figure 2). The device's best location is on the cold side of the radiator. It optimizes the oil cooling.To read more about forklifts radiators, click here.

Oil cooler for forklift truck
Figure 2. Tipical oil coolers found on Toyota forklift truck models

Choosing suitable forklift oil coolers:

  • Inlet and outlet ports need to match with the hoses that transport the oil. It prevents:
  1. Leaking of lube.
  2. Oil pressure drop.
  • The oil coolers use metallic materials, commonly aluminum.
  • As more passes have the lube by the oil cooler, it frees more heat. To know what is required, consider the following :
  1. The power output of the forklift engine.
  2. The oil capacity in the lubrication system.
  • Confirm the oil cooler type.
  • Heat exchanger core size to be adequate. It depends on the below aspects:
  1. The space to install the device in the forklift. It avoids straining and possible damages.
  2. For an oil-air cooler, consider the need for the area to maximize the airflow.

Find a great selection of forklift of oil coolers at low prices- OEM and aftermarket supply. The Lift parts warehouse team finds all kinds of other ways to save you some money without sacrificing the quality of the product you get in the final result.

Does an oil cooler need maintenance?

Forklift engie oil cooler do not require periodic maintenance. A general inspection is enough to assure everything is good. Check that it is free of:

  • Debris.
  • Mud.
  • Small stones.
  • Leakage.

Signs for common problems of an oil cooler

  • Oil and coolant mixture. When forklift engine oil coolers work as heat exchangers between coolant and oil, internal damage to the device could cause these two fluids to mix.
  • Oil puddle. It can be a sign of damage when using an air-oil cooler, especially if leakage intensifies during engine running. Another reason (related to the oil cooler) could be leakage at the inlet or outlet port.
  • Low coolant level. In water-oil coolers, the fluid amount that receives the oil heat must be suitable. Otherwise, the lube will not reach the desired temperature, heating the transmission system. In case the problem is not fixed, the transmission system could get damaged. The poor coolant level is a vital sign that there is a leakage at some point in the forklift of the cooling system. To know more about the components of a cooling system, click here.


  • The oil cooler is a device that lowers the temperature of engine lubricating oil.
  • A pump transfers the hot oil from the sump tank to the oil cooler. At the device's outlet, the oil temperature is suitable to be used again in the lubrication system.
  • When choosing the correct oil cooler, you need to consider the outlet/inlet ports, the type, capacity, and the size of the device.
  • A general inspection is enough to assure that the oil cooler is free of external contaminants or damages.
  • The common signs of oil cooler problems are oil/coolant mixture, oil leakage, and low coolant level.

The solutions for these issues depend on the level of the injury in the oil cooler. Commonly oil and coolant leakages are easily fixed by replacing the linked hoses. But when the problem is because of damage inside the heat exchanger, the best option is its replacement.Our team knows how frustrating it can get when you're looking for a specific part and end up getting the wrong one. Let's help you to find a suitable forklift oil cooler according to your requirements and specifications.

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