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Low Price Guarantee
  It is our commitment to provide you with the best value, at the best price. We value your business and strive to keep our prices low, and SAVE you money!
How does it work?
If you find a lower price online, let us know before making the purchase and we'll match or beat that price. If our own price is reduced after 30 days of purchase, provide us with the invoice and we will match the price by refunding you the difference.
What are the qualifying products?
The product you're comparing must meet all of the following criteria to qualify for a price match.
1. Must have exactly the same part # for the same part.
2. Qualifying item cannot be lower than 35% of our listed price.
3. Has to be of same quality. We cannot match an OEM part price to an aftermarket part price.
4. Has to be brand new item. We cannot match a brand new part price with a Rebuilt or Used part price.
5. Must be priced in USD and include all charges such as shipping cost.
6. Must be sold and shipped by a retailer AND authorized dealer located within the USA.
The following types of sellers do not qualify:
- Marketplace sellers on websites such as Amazon or eBay
- Any sellers whose products are refurbished or liquidated
7. The product must be in stock, available for sale, and cannot be a limited time offer or available only in limited quantity.
8. The product's price must not be lower due to an advertising error, misprint, or special sale price.

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